terça-feira, janeiro 09, 2007

Somos todos peões (1): O caos controlado? Um ponto de vista diferente

Em Dezembro do passado ano, o João Miranda do Blasfémias escreveu um post a que chamou: Ordem espontânea nas estradas e apresentou estes sites:

CONTROLLED CHAOS: European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs
Are streets without traffic signs conceivable? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try -- with good results.
European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs

Is this the end of the road for traffic lights?
Most traffic lights should be torn up as they make roads less safe, one of Europe's leading road engineers said yesterday.

Getting Rid Of Traffic Lights And Traffic Signs To Make Everyone SaferIs this the end of the road for traffic lights?
from the figure-that-one-out dept

Bastou uma breve pesquisa no you tube para encontrar estes documentários sobre o congestionamento dos transportes urbanos em Londres, crítica ao controle semafórico e “shared space”:

If you have ever fumed at traffic lights, this documentary film project should be up your street. Questioning decades of defective policy, it will show that most of our congestion and road rage problems could be solved [reduced] - inexpensively and safely - by scrapping [most] traffic controls and letting human nature take its competent course.

The trailer for "Contested Streets: Breaking New York City Gridlock", a new Transportation Alternatives-produced, Cicala Filmworks-made film about New York City's congested streets, and what can be done to change its transportation equation.
Um ponto de vista diferente para quem se interessa por estas questões.
(Isabel Goulão)

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