sexta-feira, dezembro 21, 2018

Estou a ler este notável livro que nos explica a decadência das nossas sociedades e como o algoritmo está a tomar conta disto tudo, ele e os seus donos são, de facto os donos disto tudo, os banons, os coletes,  le pen, bolsa, e trump e etc são meros algoritmos....
de um capitalismo financeiro sem regras, nem sentido, contra o mercado, contra o trabalho e contra o próprio capital,e para tal os únicos meios que temos é a Iluminação:
Legendary broadcast journalist Bill Moyers has said:
"We've got to get alternative content out there to people, or this country's going to die of too many lies.”
Moyers asked what the corporate media means for our democracy:
"It means that virtually everything the average person sees or hears, outside of her own personal communications, is determined by the interests of private, unaccountable executives and investors whose primary goal is increasing profits and raising the share prices. More insidiously, this small group of elites determines what ordinary people do not see or hear. In-depth coverage of anything, let alone the problems real people face day-to-day, is as scarce as sex, violence, and voyeurism are pervasive."
"So if we need to know what is happening, and Big Media won’t tell us; if we need to know why it matters, and Big Media won’t tell us; if we need to know what to do about it, and Big Media won’t tell us, it’s clear what we have to do. We have to tell the story ourselves."
e por aqui, por ali e acolá ir rompendo o consenso mediático de nulidades e futilidades e irracionalidades.

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